Social Media Threats
The rise of social media has resulted in marketing opportunities, the ability for companies to provide online customer service, and a medium for connecting people throughout the world. However, a spike in threats posted on social networks highlights a trend that shows no signs of letting up.
Social media threats come in many forms ranging from threats against schools to death threats aimed at celebrities to terrorist activity, and unfortunately private security firms and local law enforcement agencies simply do not have the experience or resources to effectively identify such threats. Additionally, taking a macro approach to threat assessment makes identification difficult given the extremely large amount of data being analyzed.
Even when potential threats are identified, false positives and sarcasm tend to skew results and decrease the effectiveness of monitoring efforts. Soteria Intelligence has developed proprietary algorithms and tools for not only analyzing what is being posted at any given time, but also past activity. By identifying potential threats and forming an in-depth understanding of the interests and intentions of the social media user making threats, we have the ability to gauge seriousness, eliminate false positives, and ultimately provide secure solutions.
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