After attending the Meta Connect event last week and seeing Zuckerberg’s keynote along with all of the other presentations around Llama, Quest 3 demos, etc. it’s exciting to know that AI continues to play a key role in the future, especially when it comes to Generative AI.

But what is Generative AI and why is it so important? Essentially, think about having a one-dimensional understanding of a specific topic (X text means Y) as opposed to an immersive experience where everything has meaning across a multitude of dimensions – all of the beautiful behaviors, sights, sounds around you can come together as one and tell a new, more data-infused story to help predict the future.

At the same time, AI still appears so futuristic to many and what’s on the horizon almost feels like a science fiction film from the 1980s that’s coming to life today, which is truly the case. And we’re doing our part to make that happen.

Looking at Generative AI in particular, this is a simple definition from Wikipedia on what it is: “artificial intelligence capable of generating text, images, or other media, using generative models. Generative AI models learn the patterns and structure of their input training data and then generate new data that has similar characteristics.”

The core thing that’s commonly overlooked: The mention of “input training data” which is taking valuable feedback from humans and putting it in recycle bins as opposed to tossing it in the trash (a common mistake). Basically, if you think you’re a cookie baking ninja and a vast majority of people say your cookies taste horrible, aren’t you going to log that feedback and make changes? That’s exactly what’s happening with Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) systems associated with Generative AI, our tech and others.

Going back 5+ years ago, this mindset of fusing data from a variety of sources to paint a true picture of the world is something we helped pioneer and secured a utility patent on, and we’re looking forward to working with strategic partners in the future to continue to push the envelope.