The world is a wild place today and years ago we recognized how social media threats related to schools would become a big problem, which pushed us to think outside of the box and create solutions that do the same.

Fast forward, social media threats aimed at schools and other innocent groups of people from all walks of life have become commonplace nowadays, though living in a world with such negativity and volatility is not why humans are on this earth; and there are better ways to coexist.

Looking at threats to schools in particular, based on the data we’re seeing through our patented deep learning analytics ecosystem, there are clear indicators as to how global inflicts are trickling down to everyday lives for the worst.

The point is: We can all agree that students throughout the world should have the ability to go to school each day feeling safe and eventually become the best versions of themselves. But unfortunately, when it comes to schools in the United States, our data shows that social media threats are continuing to skyrocket and show no signs of letting up. Something has to change.

And one of the most common questions we get from school administrators/executives, concerned parents and others is how do we solve the problem of social media threats against schools? It’s complicated, though we’ll be sharing more soon.