Over the past 2 years the financial industry has been turned upside down with people rallying on social media to combat the GameStop short squeeze, signs on social media before the Silicon Valley Bank run and a variety of other game changers we’ve been gathering insights on.

And the importance of social media analytics today is similar to how mariners relied on lighthouses in the past to navigate unforeseen obstacles and treacherous waters. Though what’s on the horizon that financial institutions will have to overcome in the near future?

The future of the financial industry will be heavily driven by social media data and this is only the tip of the iceberg. Those who are best at making sense of everything will ultimately win in the end.

We guide a wide variety of investors around the world ranging from family offices to VCs, PE firms, hedge funds and others on their social media journeys and see what the future has in store.

Want to link up and explore what’s possible? Let’s connect.